This website user agreement incorporates the terms and conditions you agree to every time you use the website and if you register to use the website. These Terms apply to this website and include our Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.


"Website" means;

"user" or "you" means anyone using and visiting the website for any purpose;

"we" or "us" means Wholesale Clearance UK Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales, Registration number 05506494, whose registered office is at Unit N Waterside Estate, 25-27 Willis Way, Poole, Dorset, BH15 3TD, and whose trading address is at Unit N Waterside Estate, 25-27 Willis Way, Poole, Dorset, BH15 3TD  that owns and operates;

"Associate" means any third party, whether person or organisation, with whom we are associated. This will include associates who can provide services and products to you, advertisers whose websites and marketing materials we appear on and any person or organisation with a link to or with our website.


By using the website, you confirm that you are aged 18 or over, are a United Kingdom resident, and have read, understood and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Where you are using the website on behalf of an organisation, you confirm that you have the legal right to do so and that the organisation generally agrees to and permits the use of the website.



(1) Whilst we will use our reasonable endeavours to supply the website and its content, we are not responsible for any failure to provide the website, any services, or any unavailability. The website is available on an "as is" and "when available" basis.

(2) We cannot guarantee that the services will be uninterrupted, secure, or error-free. We make no warranty against electronic viruses, worms, or any other defect or problems that may occur concerning any viewing or use of the website or any e-mail or document we provide. We are not responsible for any loss or damage caused or resulting from the use or failure to provide the website or any virus or defect resulting from any e-mail or document we send.

(3) Any right to use the website is at our sole and absolute discretion. We expressly reserve the right to choose users, including choice by invitation only, and our decisions are absolute.



(1) Full use and contents of the website may only be available to users who register with us.

(2) Unless you have our prior written permission, the website is for your use.

(3) We have made every effort to ensure that products are displayed as accurately as possible but can not be responsible for variations. What you see depends on your monitor and settings; we can not guarantee this will be accurate.

(4) Any advertisement, opinion, statement, recommendation, information, posts, or links to any websites or information or anything will not form a recommendation, guarantee or warranty, and you agree that we have no liability in this regard.

(5) When you click on links, you will be forwarded to third-party websites, including those of associates. We have no control or responsibility regarding third parties or any such websites. You know that you will enter into a separate agreement with nothing to do with us and must make yourself aware of the terms of such contracts. You expressly confirm that we can not be held liable in this regard.



(1) You agree that you will solely be responsible for using the website, will use it legally and only for the intended purposes, and will not misuse it in any way. This includes not using the website fraudulently or any automated software, process, program, robot, web crawler, spider, data mining, trawling or other 'screen scraping' software, process, or program.

(2) When you supply us with information, you must ensure that it is accurate, valid, current and free from viruses, spyware, malicious software, trojans, worms, logic bombs, and anything else that may have a contaminating, harmful, or destructive effect on any part of the website or the websites of third parties or any other technology.



(1) The website and all its essential content (including text, images, marks, and logos), except advertisements and anything licensed from copyright holders, are subject to copyright that belongs to us. This means that users have a licence to use the website, but this does not convey any rights of ownership to you nor any rights to use or display the copyrighted information in any way.

(2) Specifically, all users agree that without our express written agreement specifically for that user, they will not breach any copyright in respect of information, text, images, content, materials, and anything whatsoever supplied to you or available from us. This includes explicitly that you will not adapt, interfere with, copy, reproduce, modify, assign, make derivative works, distribute or in any way publicly display, create Internet "links" to the service or "frame" or "mirror" the website or any part or content on any other server or wireless or Internet-based device, reverse engineer, or access the services in any way to build a product using similar ideas, function, or which is in any way comparable to the website.



To the extent that the law allows, without limitation, all implied warranties, conditions or other terms are excluded and we will not be held responsible for any direct or indirect loss, incidental or consequential damage, or loss (economic or otherwise), any punitive or exemplary damages, any loss of reputation or goodwill or business opportunities or contact, however it arises, including out of negligence relating to or in any way connected to any installation, use (unauthorised or otherwise), errors, mistakes, accident, theft or fraud, destruction, or any part of the provision or uses of the website or these terms and conditions.


You will enter and explicitly agree to provide your details and information when using the website, particularly certain parts. This information is stored and used following this agreement, our privacy policy, and current Data Protection legislation in England and Wales.



(1) We aim to respond to queries within 14 working days.

(2)  Any other complaints must be addressed in writing to us at our trading address as provided within the section headed definitions above.

(3) If any complaint breaches these terms and conditions, you must allow us at least 30 days to remedy that.

(4) Any notices, including notices at clause 8(2) above to which you have not received an acknowledgement within seven working days, must be in writing to our address as provided within the section headed definitions above using Royal Mail Special Delivery and will be deemed to have been received on the 7th day after posting.

(5) For more information on your rights as a buyer, please click here.



(1) Without limiting any other remedies, we may suspend or terminate your use and registration at our absolute discretion, either with or without notice, particularly where we suspect that you have engaged or are about to engage in, or have been in any way involved in or linked to, breaches of any terms of this user agreement.

(2) We reserve the right to cancel, suspend, take down, delete or otherwise remove the website or any part of it.

(3) If we do not immediately act on any breach, you should not assume that we have waived any rights as to enforceability or to seek redress unless you have our express written agreement.



Each clause or part of this agreement will be considered independent. This means that if any clause or part of this agreement is unenforceable or invalid, it will not affect the enforceability or validity of the rest of this agreement.


(1) These terms and conditions supersede any prior representations, understandings and agreements between you and us.

(2) We reserve the right to vary our terms and conditions at any time, and such variation takes effect when posted on our website.


These Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted, construed, and enforced according to English law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.